LONDON ♥ DICK: Mail Art / Illustration / Sound Show for Pride London and Worldwide 2020:
3 July 2020 - 7 August 2020
Pride Marches and Events around the world cancelled or postponed on account of the global Covid-19 Pandemic, Velorose hosts LONDON ♥ DICK (Stories of Passion & Acceptance (and Dick)) with pride
David Rosenberg has curated the LOVED Collective’s ongoing LOVED, an art project which documents the lives of ‘Bears’, ‘Chasers’, and everyone who is a part of the ‘Bear Community’
The show features:
• Mail Art by You the Artist (The Mail Gays (The Male Gaze))
• Illustration and Sound Show by LOVED Collective (LONDON ♥ DICK)
Taking advantage of the unique ‘hidden panel’ design of Velorose, LONDON ♥ DICK considers the male nude, obscenity and decency; the panels, doors, audio monitors and headphones become a maze through which to discover the project. Social distancing and timed entry adds further aspects of constraint, restriction and conformity to the mix
LONDON ♥ DICK invites the viewer to consider the awkward truth of exposed bodies - ones to which we are not always exposed - in a central London art gallery context
Maybe I will be loved and maybe I won’t be loved… but my desire has led me to some really interesting places. I knew who I wanted to meet… but I didn’t know they were called ‘bears’ at the time; I see ‘bear’ as a kind of drag (Excerpt from LOVED)
Illustration and Sound Show by LOVED Collective: LONDON ♥ DICK
LOVED is an analogue and digital gallery work by artists Charlie Hunter and Mike Wyeld. A show incorporating large format illustrations, audio interviews, composed score and sound design, LOVED has toured the world for the last five years, researching, exhibiting and finding new challenges in depicting the ‘Bear Community’ and its many tangents. From Estonia, Sweden and Finland to Canada and the USA, LOVED has also been to Northern Ireland and Liverpool, and now comes to London
LOVED explores themes of masculinity, sexuality, joy, anger and non-conforming. The sitters and interviewees in this project have been chosen from around the world, their shared feature being that they in some way self-identify as part of the ‘Bear Community’, a subculture of queer men that has developed mostly in the last 20 years
While myths of beauty and ideas around body shape, fitness, and obesity feature heavily in mainstream culture, there are some people who have found acceptance in new movements, formed new alliances and set in motion new ideas; they are LOVED - and some of those people come out in this exhibition, and from behind closed panels, to assert, proclaim and explain where they are with their difference and their sameness